For those who have been waiting for their Atari VCS consoles - the day is near! I just received my dev kit and with permission from Atari, I'm sharing a few photos here. I know there are people out there who don't believe the VCS is real - let me assure you it very much is real! There is one sitting on my desk right next to me as I write this post.

My game, Guntech, is one of the first titles to be available for the VCS when it launches (very soon!) and I'll post photos and videos of it as soon as I have it up and running. In the meanwhile, here's what is inside the box.

Here it is! I'm told this is not the final retail box, but it looks convincing.

The box is large, but the unit is quite small. As everyone probably knows by now, there are two controllers included, a modern one that looks pretty basic, and the classic which I am most excited about. Guntech is an arcade-style shooter, based on a game I made almost 30 years ago for the Atari ST. Back in the day, this was the type of controller everyone used.

The Atari VCS unit is beautiful. I have booted it up, created an account, played some built-in arcade games and downloaded one game from the marketplace. Everything works smoothly so far!
Next up I'll be booting it up, compiling Guntech in Unity for it and seeing how much work it is to get it up and running on-device. I've developed the game near-final without final hardware, and I'm hoping it will "just work".
Finally, here's a photo of the VCS booted up. I wasn't gonna post anything until I have Guntech running on it, but since quite a few people on Reddit suggested that this is fake and the unit is nothing but a shell, here you go! :)

Click here to see what Guntech looks like on Apple iOS, and stay tuned for updates!